Spay and Neuter!

There are more than enough friendly, handsome, and cuddly dogs and cats waiting at shelters to be adopted.
Please don't buy animals from breeders and please don't let your animals reproduce!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Show Your Love! Donate Today!

 UPDATE: (2/15/2013)

We did it! Or rather YOU did it! You donated $1085 within these last ten days to secure the $1000 matching challenge grant! That means that we can help spay/neuter forty extra animals this spring!

More spay/neuter = fewer homeless animals!

Thank you so much!


Support the Adair County Humane Society’s fourth annual “Be a PAL – Prevent a Litter” spay/neuter campaign!

A local donor has promised to match all donations received between now and Valentine’s Day dollar-for-dollar up to $1000.

Donate now using your PayPal or credit card with the click of this button.

Or write a check to Adair County Humane Society with March PAL in the memo line. Mail your check to P.O. Box 481, Kirksville MO 63501, or save yourself 46 cents by bringing the check to the shelter. Donations to the Adair County Humane Society are tax-deductible;we are a 501c(3) non-profit organization.

Our first three campaigns were very successful: more than 500 dogs and cats were fixed in March 2010, 2011, and 2012 as part of our campaign. We kept these 500 animals from becoming 2500!

Because of this community effort we have seen a significant drop in the number of homeless animals arriving at our shelter. Our save rate (number returned to owner, adopted, or transported to collaborating rescue groups) has risen accordingly.

Remember to donate within the next ten days to help us secure the challenge grant! Show your love for animals with a donation by February 14!

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