Spay and Neuter!

There are more than enough friendly, handsome, and cuddly dogs and cats waiting at shelters to be adopted.
Please don't buy animals from breeders and please don't let your animals reproduce!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

140 Spay/Neuter Certificates Issued in February!

Board members (Gander, Jeffries, Hudnall, and Thomas) handed out 140 spay/neuter certificates last week in two scheduled sessions. In general people seemed very grateful for this assistance.

As one woman told us: "I need to spay my cat. She's just a barn cat but we don't need any more [barn cats]!"

Another woman (a young mother)
said that the family thought they had two girl kittens ...  but then one turned out to be a boy. They thought they would solve that potential problem (unwanted litters of kittens) by spaying the girl. That was fine until the boy kitten started spraying in the house. Now he needs to get fixed too. Her young son volunteered: "We don't want any more babies!" The whole family appreciated the $50 certificate as well as the discounted rates offered by local vets.

Another person told us that she took in a stray dog recently only to find out that she was pregnant. Two weeks later this dog (a Husky/Malmute mix) had a litter of 14 puppies! She and her son enjoy the puppies but caring for them has been a lot of work and it's expensive. (They eat a lot!) Now she is struggling to find home for so many puppies. She plans to ask everyone who takes a pup to promise to fix them as soon as they are eligible. And mama dog will get fixed this month.

Thanks again to everyone who made these certificates possible, especially those who participated in the $1000 matching donation challenge.

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